Wilderness First Aid Course

Are you prepared for an emergency? Do you have the skills to save a life? Our new Wilderness First Aid Course is perfect for individuals who want to be better prepared for emergencies. With scenario practices and a greater focus on hands-on skills, this course will give you the confidence to handle any situation. This 16-hour course is packed with information, and best of all, it’s open to everyone. So whether you’re a healthcare provider or professional rescuer, or just someone who wants to be better prepared, our Wilderness First Aid Course is right for you.

This course consists of 16 hours of face-to-face attendance, which will take place either in your workplace or at Al Awasi International Training Centre.

محتوي الكورس

  • Protecting Yourself 
  • Moving and Lifting 
  • Scene Assessment 
  • Focused Assessment 
  • Shock 
  • Control of Bleeding 
  • Major Wounds 
  • Facial Injuries
  • Minor Wounds 
  • Cleaning, Closing, and Dressing Wounds 
  • Burns 
  • Head, Neck, or Back Injuries 
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries 
  • Extended Injury Management 
  • Breathing Difficulty, Shortness of Breath 
  • Abdominal Problems 
  • Pain, Severe Pressure, or Discomfort in the Chest 
  • Poisoning 
  • Heat Emergencies 
  • Cold Emergencies 
  • Bites and Stings 
  • Submersion (Drowning) 
  • Lightning Strikes 
  • Altitude Illnesses
  • First Aid Kits
  • Protection from the Elements
  • Water and Food

مركز الأواسي العالمي للتدريب هو مركز تدريب معتمد للمعهد الأمريكي للصحة والسلامة (ASHI).

After successfully completion of the course you will get an international certificate with no need for authentication from Sudan foreign affair ministry.

The certificate is accepted internationally.

يتطلب الإكمال الناجح (الشهادة) ما يلي:

التقييم الكتابي: When not required by a regulatory
agency, it is optional.
تقييم الأداء: All students must perform
required skills competently without assistance.

Certification in adult CPR and AED is required. Prior completion of a basic first aid class is strongly

Individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in wilderness first aid knowledge and skills.

لطلب مزيد من المعلومات أو إذا كنت ترغب في مناقشة ظروفك الفردية قبل التقديم ، يرجى الاتصال بنا:

دعم العملاء

هاتف: ٠٠٢٤٩٩٩٥٦٢٦٠٣٥

واتساب: ٠٠٢٤٩٩٩٥٦٢٦٠٣٥

إيميل: info@alawasi.com


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