Pediatric First Aid, CPR, and AED Course

This Pediatric First Aid, CPR and AED course is the ideal training solution for schools, child care providers, youth sports coaches, and others required to learn how to respond to medical emergencies involving children. Taught by experienced medical professionals, this course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to confidently handle any emergency situation.

This course consists of a one-day face-to-face attendance, which will take place either in your workplace or at Al Awasi International Training Centre.

من الساعة ٨ صباحا و حتي ٥ عصرا.

محتوي الكورس

  • Recognizing an Emergency
  • السكتة القلبية المفاجئة
  • توقف القلب الثانوي
  • الرجفان الخارجي الآلي
  • AED Operation
  • Primary Assessment — Unresponsive
  • Control of Bleeding
  • Head, Neck, or Back Injury
  • Concussion
  • Swollen, Painful, or Deformed Limb
  • Breathing Difficulty, Shortness of Breath
  • Heat Emergencies – Exertional
    Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion, Heat
  • Emotional Considerations

مركز الأواسي العالمي للتدريب هو مركز تدريب معتمد للمعهد الأمريكي للصحة والسلامة (ASHI).

After successfully completion of the course you will get an international certificate with no need for authentication from Sudan foreign affair ministry.

The certificate is accepted internationally.

يتطلب الإكمال الناجح (الشهادة) ما يلي:

  • تقييم الأداء: All students must
    perform required skills competently without

No prerequisite.

15,000 SDG is a special offer for a limited time.

Individuals who desire or are required to be
certified in pediatric first aid, CPR, and AED.

لطلب مزيد من المعلومات أو إذا كنت ترغب في مناقشة ظروفك الفردية قبل التقديم ، يرجى الاتصال بنا:

دعم العملاء

هاتف: ٠٠٢٤٩٩٩٥٦٢٦٠٣٥

واتساب: ٠٠٢٤٩٩٩٥٦٢٦٠٣٥



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