Advanced bleeding Control Course

This course is designed to provide detailed information on the control of severe external bleeding, including the use of direct pressure, commercial pressure bandages, tourniquets, and packed dressings. Would you know what to do if someone near you was bleeding badly? This course provides first responders with the knowledge and skills required to stop severe external bleeding. Learn from seasoned professionals who have dealt with emergency situations first hand.

This course consists of a one-day face-to-face attendance, which will take place either in your workplace or at Al Awasi International Training Centre.

محتوي الكورس

  • Sever external bleeding.
  • Physiology of bleeding.
  • Direct pressure.
  • Using a pressure bandage.
  • Using a tourniquet.
  • Using packed dressing.
  • Caring for severe external bleeding. 
  • Preparation.

مركز الأواسي العالمي للتدريب هو مركز تدريب معتمد للمعهد الأمريكي للصحة والسلامة (ASHI).

After successfully completion of the course you will get an international certificate with no need for authentication from Sudan foreign affair ministry.

The certificate is accepted internationally.

يتطلب الإكمال الناجح (الشهادة) ما يلي:

  • Performance evaluation: All students must perform
    required skills competently without assistance.

No prerequisite.

This course is designed to provide detailed information on the control of severe external bleeding, including the use of direct pressure, commercial pressure bandages, tourniquets, and packed dressings. Would you know what to do if someone near you was bleeding badly? This course provides first responders with the knowledge and skills required to stop severe external bleeding. Learn from seasoned professionals who have dealt with emergency situations firsthand.

لطلب مزيد من المعلومات أو إذا كنت ترغب في مناقشة ظروفك الفردية قبل التقديم ، يرجى الاتصال بنا:

دعم العملاء

هاتف: ٠٠٢٤٩٩٩٥٦٢٦٠٣٥

واتساب: ٠٠٢٤٩٩٩٥٦٢٦٠٣٥



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